
What sims 4 traits do i have
What sims 4 traits do i have

These Sims draw penalties for being around anything they deem low-quality, such as food or art. However, they draw no penalties from being in a clean environment. They also make objects such as counters and sinks dirtier faster from use. These Sims gain positive moodlets when surrounded by filth, and take much longer to trigger the Uncomfortable Emotion if they do so at all. Neat Sims are almost guaranteed to clean up after themselves, whether that means washing dishes or not leaving puddles on the bathroom floor after a shower. However, Sims are more likely to trigger the Uncomfortable Emotion if in dirty surroundings.

what sims 4 traits do i have

These Sims gain positive moodlets while cleaning, and may even fill the Fun need while doing so. They tend to fail more often in all aspects of chance, but they are significantly less likely to trigger the Angry or Sad Emotion when they do they are more likely to “laugh at themselves” and let the problem roll off their back. These Sims will have subtle animation changes for everyday activities. They also gain benefits from playing with children's toys or other objects that generally only children and use. These Sims gain strong positive moodlets from interacting with children. Requires the Island Living Expansion Pack. However, the Sim will draw debuffs when eating any fish whether they caught it or not, and will draw debuffs from the mere act of Fishing. These Sims draw buffs by swimming and doing other ocean activities such as Island Conservation for the waters of Sulani. These Sims can summon the elementals of Sulani to gain a blessing if they have participated in Island Culture and Island Conservation.

what sims 4 traits do i have

Requires the Cats and Dogs Expansion Pack. These Sims draw a buff when near any cat, and they'll raise their relationship with cats faster than other Sims. However, these Sims also gain job performance faster than other Sims and tend to get promoted faster anyway. These Sims gain strong positive moodlets upon promotion, strong negative moodlets if they get demoted or simply fail in their tasks, and suffer emotional damage if it's been a while since they've been promoted. Lifestyle traits are generally passive ones that affect how Sims grow and what bonuses they enjoy for simply living life as they choose. They take emotional damage when it's been a while since they've created anything. Highly recommended for Sims with unconventional Careers, especially creative ones, and not recommended for Sims who stay with conventional career tracks. These Sims take longer to create any item, but they increase the quality and value of the finished product. They also easily trigger the Happy Emotion when playing an instrument themselves. These Sims get a bonus to filling the Fun need when listening to any kind of music, be it on a stereo or live. These Sims get some special friendly social interactions as they discuss their hobby. They can find collectable items, including rare ones, better than most Sims (though the boost is slightly reduced compared to the Collector trait from Nature Aspirations). These Sims get a bonus to filling the Fun need when reading and playing videogames. These Sims gain extra Fun from watching the Cooking Channel and can talk about special cooking techniques with others. However, the Sim will lose Fun and possibly trigger the Uncomfortable emotion when eating low-quality food. These Sims trigger the Happy Emotion and fill the Fun need when eating high-quality food.

what sims 4 traits do i have

They can discuss books with other Book Worms in unique ways. These Sims gain strong moodlets while reading and after completing books. They will therefore gain romantic relationships much faster than other Sims, though non-romantic relationships are unaffected. These Sims trigger Flirty more easily, thus increasing the impact and success rate with romantic-type social interactions. They can use Rile Up social interactions to make others angry as well, though it will make them few friends. They get into (and win) fights more easily. These Sims trigger Angry more easily, especially when they are the victims of mischief-type social interactions. In the long-term, these Sims can gain non-romantic relationships pretty quickly due to just firing joke after joke at anyone they're socializing with. These Sims trigger Playful more easily, allowing them to increase the impact and success rate with funny-type social interactions. However, it can make socialization a little bit of a challenge. These Sims trigger Sad more easily, allowing them to gain a boost to creative Skills (such as Painting or Writing) more easily.

What sims 4 traits do i have